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In-Home | In-Clinic

Physical Therapists help a person learn to independently perform gross motor skills such as walking, running, jumping, climbing, skipping, hopping, and navigating stairs.  A variety of treatment interventions are used including therapeutic exercise, mobility/safety training, prevention programs, coordination, and developmental activities. Our Physical Therapists also specialize in techniques using ultrasound, iontophoresis, massage, dry needling, cupping, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, and much more!

Physical therapy is used for Sports Rehab, Injury Recovery, Surgery Recovery, Sciatica, and Vestibular Rehab, along with many other conditions.

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In-Home | In-Clinic

When a person experiences an illness or injury, occupational therapy services may be provided.  These services are developmentally appropriate and emphasize physical skills to increase movement, strength, and coordination.  Treatment incorporates adaptive skills, cognitive abilities, sensory-motor, visual motor and perceptual skills.  The person’s functional abilities and independence are addressed through social and interpersonal skills.  Learning can be difficulty when emotional and behavioral problems impact daily activities (ie. controlling impulses and anger). Providing services in the clinic or in your home when permitted and beneficial where challenges and needs can be addressed. Occupational Therapy can help a person return to work and prior level of functioning regarding activities of daily living like preparing meals, getting dressed without pain, and grooming.


In-Home | In-Clinic | On-Site | Virtual

A Speech Therapist is a certified speech-language pathologist.  They address speech, language, articulation, vocal sounds, fluency, literacy, pragmatics, hearing disorders and swallowing.  Any speech or language problem is likely to have a significant effect on the person’s social and academic skills and behavior.  Early speech and language intervention can help a person be more successful with reading, writing, schoolwork, and interpersonal relationships. A Speech Therapist can also help a person with feeding needs to ensure proper nutritional intake.

Common disorders we treat:  Articulation disorders, social communication skills, receptive and expressive language disorders, apraxia, aphasia, augmentative and alternative communication, autism, brain injuries, cognitive-communication deficits, dysarthria, memory, phonological disorders, morphological disorders, semantic disorders, speech and sound errors, stroke, reduced intelligibility, fluency disorders and voice disorders.

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Drug-Free Pain Management

In-Home | In-Clinic | On-Site | Virtual

We use therapeutic techniques to help our patients have a drug-free path to pain management.


Services can include but are not limited too, cold and heat therapies, exercise, and strength building to support aching joints and old injuries, mind-body techniques, yoga, biofeedback, therapeutic massage, range of motion work with manual techniques, work on standing and sitting tolerances.

dry needling, manual techniques to improve range of motion, ultrasound, iontophoresis, and electronic stimulation.

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In-Home | In-Clinic

Hand therapy is the art and science of evaluating and treating injuries and conditions of the upper extremity (shoulder, arm, elbow, forearm, wrist and hand). It uses a number of therapeutic interventions to help return a person to their highest level of function. It evolved from the need for a specialist with the knowledge and experience required to manage the challenging recovery of complex hand and upper extremity injuries.

Hand therapists bridge the gap from medical management of upper extremity conditions to successful recovery, allowing individuals to function normally in their daily lives. Hand therapists provide non-operative interventions, preventative care and post-surgical rehabilitation for a wide variety of upper extremity disorders, from simple fingertip injuries to complex replanted extremities. Patients with chronic conditions, such as arthritis, or neurologic conditions, such as a stroke, can benefit from therapy through education on joint protection and energy conservation, and with recommendations for adaptive equipment or devices to improve function. A hand therapist employs a variety of techniques and tools, including activity and exercise programs, custom orthotic fabrication, management of pain and swelling and wound and scar care.

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As the result of injury, medical condition or simply part of the aging process, we understand that you (or a loved one) may need some assistance in order to remain in the comfort of your home.

For our in-home therapy and nursing patients only, we may be able to offer non-medical care services as needed.  Please Inquire.

Services can include, but are not limited to, assistance with bathing, daily grooming, hygiene needs, dressing, walking, preparing meals, light housekeeping, running errands (prescription pick-up, grocery shopping etc), companionship and palliative care (spiritual or attending church).

PS:  We train, hire and pay your spouse (or other family member) to provide personal care service in your home. 

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Through our in-house, collaborative care network, you can recieve multiple therapies during your visit in-home, in-clinic, virtual or a combination.  As well, we offer skilled nursing services.  Let use know how we can help.

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